Anatomy of Penguins Infographic - Jay Carskadden Design
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“Anatomy of Penguins”

Travel-focused infographic design for Zegrahm Expeditions on “Penguins” – showing the anatomy of a King penguin.

“There are 17 species of penguins in the world, all of which live in the southern hemisphere. These adorable ambassadors of the Antarctic are uniquely suited to a life at sea. While most birds have hollow bones, making them lighter for flying—penguins, have solid bones making it easier to dive underwater for food. Here are some more evolutionary adaptions that help these extraordinary birds survive in one of the world’s harshest environments.”

Jay Carskadden Anatomy of Penguins Infographic Design Zegrahm Expeditions Graphic Design Web Design Infographics World Travel Learning Color Typography Photography Yakima Seattle Travel Educational Anatomy of Penguins Antarctica